

The 澳门水利博彩官方网站 online 社会工作硕士(垃圾) program is a facilitator of curiosity, 动力分析, 匠心与治愈. 这个项目,男女皆可,提供了 comprehensive experience that will not only advance your career, but it will also help you continue a professional path of reward and purpose.

你会有准备的 先进的全球社会工作实践 and ready to challenge existing oppressive carceral structures, advance social justice and promote the collective 好. 全职和兼职选择 总结申请你的资格 高级实践社会工作(APSW)执照.


  • 程序的格式 是在线加面对面的实习.
  • 课程长度:
    • 全日制学生两年
    • Advanced standing option: Completion in one year for students who have a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) from a CSWE-accredited program
    • 有兼职选择
  • 高级实践社会工作(ASPW)执照 毕业资格
  • 其他认证选项 in substance abuse counseling (SAC), alcohol and other drug abuse (AODA) and restorative justice
  • 申请条件 are a bachelor's degree in any field and a passion for social justice


我们的 program is dedicated to nurturing a new generation of change agents who possess both compassion and a critical perspective. 专注于 挑战压迫性权力 动力学, students learn to confront and dismantle systems of harm, including white supremacy and carceral structures. 这个项目强调 解决问题的根本原因 不公正 such as poverty, racism, and trauma, rather than just individual issues.

Through a community-oriented approach, we cultivate social workers who advocate for 真正的平等和赋权拒绝参与压迫性的等级制度. 我们的 commitment extends beyond surface-level solutions, aiming for transformative change that uplifts communities globally. We recognize the ongoing struggle for true liberation and emphasize 集体责任 envisioning a future where human rights are realized for all.

Join us in reshaping the landscape of social work through meaningful interventions, 转移系统, and creating opportunities for everyone to thrive.


澳门水利博彩官方网站 has prepared me for my professional success by encouraging me to look at everything with an open eye and to approach everything holistically. I have the confidence and tools to help people in need.


课程将采用这两种格式 同步和异步活动 to facilitate the connection between your classmates while allowing for flexibility to fit your 生活方式. 课程主题 包括压迫制度, 组织变革, 社会工作走向废除, 成瘾和药物滥用, 创伤愈合干预和 更多的.

这个项目 will focus on critiquing the carceral logic and providing students with a Restorative to Transformative Practices certificate. 你也会有 opportunity to pursue certification in the areas of 药物滥用咨询 (囊)和 酒精和其他药物滥用 (AODA).

After graduation, you’ll be eligible to apply for your 高级实践社会工作(APSW)执照.


澳门水利博彩官方网站的 以学生为中心的课程 prioritize your unique needs, expressions, capabilities and knowledge. 你会在 小班由专人带领 指导老师 who have deep experience in social work and will personally guide you through your courses.

在我们的 授权、支持的环境, you won’t just learn theories — you’ll immerse yourself in experiences that ignite your passion for creating 积极的社会变革.

Through collaborative decision-making and shared responsibility, you'll forge connections with fellow students and faculty, all driven by a common goal: to effect real-world, 集体治疗.


废除奴隶制寻求的是建立这种支持, 安全, 问责制, 保护, and justice that create alternatives to criminalization. 废奴主义者露丝 Wilson Gil更多的 clarifies that "Abolition is presence, not absence. 它是关于建立肯定生命的机构." Through the creative collective work of healing, imagination, and transformation, we dream and build a world beyond the carceral state. Instead of upholding the systems we already have, social workers must educate and train ourselves for the future we seek 构建. We believe that abolition social work is the fulfillment of our deeply held values, 我们职业的未来, and the framework we need 构建 a better world.


56个学分  |  $866 每学时

  • Graduate students are eligible to apply for loans by completing the 免费申请联邦学生资助 (FAFSA). Make sure to select 澳门水利博彩官方网站大学 — our federal code is 003832.
  • 校外私人奖学金
  • Your employer may provide tuition reimbursement, minimizing the cost to you. 问问你的人力资源部你是否符合条件.
  • We will work with you to develop a payment plan that fits your budget.
电子邮件 金融.aid@homesweethomeshow.com 或打电话 414-382-6262 讨论资助你的教育.



澳门水利博彩官方网站大学's Master of Social Work program has achieved candidacy for accreditation by the Council on Social Work Education’s (CSWE) Board of 认证 (BOA).

Candidacy for a baccalaureate or master’s social work program by the BOA indicates that it has made progress toward meeting standards of program quality evaluated through a peer review 认证过程. A program that has attained candidacy status has demonstrated a commitment to meeting the standards set by the Educational Policy and 认证 Standards (EPAS) but 还没有表现出完全服从.

Students that are admitted to candidate programs in the fall (or later) of the academic year in which the program is granted candidacy status will be retroactively recognized as graduates from a CSWE-BOA accredited program as long as the program attains initial accreditation. Candidacy is typically a 3-year process and attaining candidacy does not guarantee that a program will 最终获得初步认证.

Candidacy applies to all program options, which includes locations and delivery methods.

认证 provides reasonable assurance about the quality of the program and the competence of students graduating from the program.

查看我们项目的候选状态 CSWE的认证项目目录. 更多的 information about social work accreditation, contact CSWE的社会工作认证部门.
